Valley of the dolls: Destiny's Child has its own dolls, and Master P has his own action figure. Note to manufacturers: these celebs would make great toys, too
James HillBobble-Head Condoleezza
With her perfectly coiffed hair, she's not just cute as a button, she's also the hardest-working doll on the shelf! Constructed of superabsorbent material, she'll handily clean up your messes--domestic or international. Talk directly into Condi's built-in speaker, and she converts your words into more politically correct musings. You'll never be wrong, even if you are.
Tell-It-Like-It-Is Tyra
Squeeze this winsome, loving doll, and she'll happily give you the positive reinforcement you need ("You can do it! Work it, diva!"). But uh-oh! Any hint of gratitous self-pity or a defeatist attitude activates her Angry Ty-rade mode. Watch her eyes glow red and hear her voice jump decibels as she puts you in check.
Catch-Me-If-You-Can R. Kelly
With this slick coating, this action figure is slippery enough to elude the grasp of authority figures--no matter what he does! And with proof of put chase, get a free Trapped-in-the Closet you R. Kelly, whose endless, overly dramatic stories will lull you to sleep.
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COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group