High-Technology Medical Awards Announced
Kathy GardnerThe National Library of Medicine (NLM) announces 24 contract awards totaling $2.3 million to medical institutions and companies to develop innovative medical projects that demonstrate the use of the capabilities of the Next Generation Internet (NGI). The NGI program, announced in the fall of 1996, combines the resources of such government entities as the National Science Foundation, the Department of Defense, NASA, and NLM.
According to NLM director Donald A. B. Lindberg, M.D., "If we are to benefit from the fruits of modern medical science we must be able to transfer massive amounts of data-instantaneously, accurately, and securely. These projects are an important step in that direction." Among the NGI capabilities widely expected to be available are virtually error-free service, security and medical data privacy, "nomadic" computing, network management, and infrastructure technology for "collaboratories."
Michael J. Ackerman, Ph.D., NLM Assistant Director for High Performance Computing and Communications, and coordinator of the projects, said that "The availability of the NGI will lead to a whole new set of applications that are based on the ability to control, feel, and manipulate devices at a distance. To get an idea of what we foresee, one need only read the terms used in the descriptions of the projects: telepresence, tele-immersion, teletrauma, telemammography, internetworking, and nomadic computing." The word "haptic," used in several of the descriptions, refers to the sense of touch and motion.
The NLM is funding these demonstration projects with the goal of improving our understanding of how the Next Generation Internet can affect health care, health education, and health research systems in such areas as cost, quality, usability, efficacy, and security. There is a link to more information about the NGI and telemedicine on the NLM home page at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/.
A list of the projects follows.
Pathology Image Database System. Yale University is planning a pathology image database system, Pathmaster, accessible via the World-Wide-Web. When a pathologist is confronted with a slide containing a cell whose nature is uncertain, a digital image of the cell can be submitted to Pathmaster, along with certain clinical information about the specimen. Pathmaster will automatically compute descriptors and pass back images to the user along with their cell types and diagnoses. Contact: Perry L. Miller, M.D., Ph.D. Yale School of Medicine Center for Medical Informatics 333 Cedar Street, P. O. Box 208009 New Haven, CT 06520-8009 Phone: 203-785-6753 Fax: 203-785-6664
Networked 3D Virtual Human Anatomy. The goal is to build a virtual human cadaver based on the Visible Human dataset. An online virtual cadaver would be available to a wide range of students who can explore the virtual cadaver with a variety of tools. High-end applications will have a haptic interface. Contact: Victor M. Spitzer, Ph.D. University of Colorado Health Sciences Center 4200 East Ninth Avenue Denver, CO 80262 Phone: 303-274-0501 Fax: 303-315-4729
Rural Health Science Education. This project will develop a plan to evaluate the use of computer and interactive compressed video technologies to support rural health science education. It will enable delivery of interactive educational programming, such as grand rounds and continuing medical education, clinical information systems, library services, and consultation. Beneficiaries will be students, residents, and health care professionals. Contact: Dr. Leo Bairnsfather, Ph.D. Louisiana State University Medical Center 1501 Kings Highway Shreveport, LA 71130-3932 Phone: 318-675-6536 Fax: 318-675-7757
Biomedical Tele-immersion. By combining teleconferencing, telepresence, and virtual reality, tele-immersion enables teachers and students to interact with three-dimensional models. Tele-immersion combines several virtual reality systems with advanced network capabilities for learning especially in surgical education. NGI guarantees data privacy and security, and will allow tele-immersive environments derived from models of patient data. Contact: Jonathan C. Silverstein, MD University of Illinois at Chicago School of Biomedical and Health Information Services 1919 W. Taylor Chicago, IL 60612-7249 Phone 312-996-5112 Fax: 312-996-8342
National Emergency Medicine Information Extranet. The National Emergency Information Infrastructure Consortium (EIIC) will create a plan for implementation of a secure National Emergency Medicine Information Extranet to improve emergency care across the nation. The primary application to be developed will enable interlinked standards-based emergency encounter registries, then feedback to providers 'just in time' multimedia educational and treatment protocol services. The project will create an open architecture to enable other layered applications in the future. Contact: Edward Barthell, M.D. Infinity Healthcare, Inc. 1251 Glen Oaks Lane Mequon, WI 53092 Phone: 414-290-6700 Fax: 414-290-6781
Personal Internetworked Notary and Guardian. The Personal Internetworked Notary and Guardian (PING) project is designed to address the control of a personal record that can be integrated with more traditional sources of clinical information for patient use in the home, at work, and at school. In particular, PING is focused on: 1)reconstitution of the patient longitudinal records from both provider-based information systems and portable, personal record systems, on the Internet; 2) providing simple and secure authentication mechanisms; 3) evaluation of the impact of PING upon the process of healthcare. Contact: Isaac S. Kohane, M.D., Ph.D. Director, Children's Hospital Informatics Program 300 Longwood Ave., Enders 150 Boston, MA 02115 Phone: 617-355-7821 Fax: 617-730-0456
Implementation to Serve Visible Human Datasets. This project plans to implement an NGI production system to interactively serve Visible Human datasets and anatomical data evaluation software. The image and knowledge data objects will be accessed by NGI-enabled World Wide Web users and evaluators. The system will provide to the user multi-resolution, anatomically labeled images within these Visible Human datasets as requested. Contact: Brian D. Athey, Ph.D. The University of Michigan Medical School 4771 Medical Science Building II Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology 1335 Catherine St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0616 Phone: 734-763-6150 Fax: 734-763-1166
G-CPR and the NGI. The Louisiana State University Medical Center proposes to implement a system of longitudinal electronic health records over the NGI that will integrate its ten public hospitals. This project is based on the G-CPR, or Government Computer Based Patient Record, a collaborative effort between the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs, Indian Health Service, and the LSU Medical Center. The objective of this project is to enable secure access and sharing of clinical information. Contact: Richard Ferrans, M.D. Louisiana State University Medical Center Department of Public Health 1600 Canal Street, Suite 800 New Orleans, LA 70112 Phone: 504-588-3507 Fax: 504-588-3938
Secure Radiologic Collaboration on the Next Generation Internet. The goal is to plan the implementation and deployment of a suite of collaborative medical applications to provide a secure, real-time, interactive environment for viewing, analyzing, and comparing radiological images in a clinical environment. This will provide clinicians and technologists the ability to share, in real-time, diagnostic imagery and medical data. Contact: Douglas L. Long, Sr. Principal Scientist Odyssey Research Associates, Inc. Cornell Business & Technology Park 33 Thornwood Dr., Suite 500 Ithaca, NY 14850-1250 Tel: 607-257-1975 Fax: 607-257-1972
Open Architecture Multispecialty Data and Telemedicine Integration on the Next Generation Internet. The purpose of this project is to plan the implementation of a multispecialty telemedicine testbed using NGI. The plan will identify existing and new multispecialty applications in patient care, continuing medical education, and patient education to be integrated into this platform. The planning activity is to be conducted by a team of scientists and clinicians from all pertinent parts of the proposing organization. Contact: Joseph C. Kvedar, M.D. Corporate Director Partners Telemedicine 1 Longfellow Place, Suite 216 P.O. Box 8941 Boston, MA 02114 Phone: 617-726-4447 Fax: 617-726-7530
Patient-centric Healthcare Management over NGI. This project will demonstrate a patient-centric approach for healthcare management over the NGI. The demonstration will build upon the Electronic House Call system developed by Georgia Tech and the Medical College of Georgia to allow patients to videoconference with their healthcare providers and to monitor medical measurements over a secure network. A simple graphical user interface enables patients to control the system themselves. The system combines videoconferencing, vital signs measurements, patient education resources, and medical records, and enables patients to participate in their own healthcare. Mr. John W. Peifer Senior Research Scientist Biomedical Interactive Technology Center Georgia Institute of Technology 250 14th St., NW Atlanta, GA 30332-0200 Phone: 404-894-7028 Fax: 404-894-7025
Adopting the NGI as a Tool for Healthcare and Information Access. This project will assemble a team of medical informatics users and networking advisors to analyze biomedical and healthcare information processes and select those which best demonstrate the application of NGI technologies and tool sets, while simultaneously providing demonstrable benefit to healthcare practitioners and end users. Many information processes in healthcare clinical services, biomedical education, and research will be assessed. Once applications have been identified, the assessment team will select viable candidates, then formulate an implementation strategy for one application area. Contact: Brent K. Stewart, Ph.D. University of Washington Grant and Contract Services 3935 University Way NE Seattle, WA 98195 Phone: 206-616-1314 Fax: 206-543-3495
The Empathy Network: Improved Healthcare Delivery for Survivors of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI). The objective of the Empathy Network is to employ virtual reality technology, high performance computing centers, and NGI capabilities to dramatically improve the healthcare delivered to MTBI patients. VR technology will allow clinicians to construct a virtual world that simulates the cognitive and perceptual deficits experienced by an MTBI patient. VR and NGI technologies will then enable a patient's other healthcare providers, family, friends and co-workers to experience the MTBI patient's problems in coping with everyday life. This will engender empathic insight, support, and understanding that are crucial elements of an MTBI patient's recovery and adaptation. Contact: David L. Zeltzer Sarnoff Corporation 201 Washington Road Princeton, NJ 08540 Tel: 609-734-2975 Fax: 609-734-2662
Remote, Real-time Simulation for Teaching Human Anatomy and Surgery. This project plans to demonstrate remote, real-time teaching of human anatomy and surgery, using the NGI. A simulator architecture will be developed to deliver real-time simulation and visualization technologies to a diverse audience. The client component is a desktop PC or workstation. The simulation server receives sensor and control input from the client and transmits response streams. The NGI network-based architecture will allow for a heterogeneous mix of client configurations ranging from simple mouse and color displays to multiple high-resolution stereographic displays and haptic devices. Contact: Parvati Dev, Ph.D. Stanford University School of Medicine SUMMIT 1215 Welch Road, Modular A Stanford, CA 94305-5401 Phone: 650-723-8087 Fax: 650-498-4082
Interactive Medical Data on Demand: A High-Performance Image-Based Warehouse Across Heterogeneous Environments. The goal of this project is to determine the requirements of a system for intuitive, real-time access to patient-specific data records based on multimodal images and multimedia. They will evaluate and select system architectures, software, and network configurations to provide access over different network bandwidths and platforms. This design will include scalability of the system and extensibility to other healthcare applications. Contact: Donald L. Stredney Ohio State University Research Foundation Health Sciences Offices, B-030 Graves Hall 333 West Tenth Avenue Columbus, OH 43210 Phone: 614-292-9248 Fax: 614-292-7168
NGI-Aware, Scalable, Secure, and Adaptive Technology for Rural Telemedicine. The goal of this project is to develop a plan to demonstrate telemedicine applications that will utilize NGI infrastructure. Telemedicine scenarios include: 1) nomadic clinics; 2) public health station; and 3) a consulting health station in rural clinics and hospitals. These systems will be configured with a set of videoconferencing, diagnostic, and patient monitoring equipment. Contact: Y. V. Ramana Reddy, Ph.D. West Virginia University Research Corporation 886 Chestnut Ridge Road Morgantown, WV 26506 Tel: 304-293-7226 Fax: 304-293-7541
Medical Nomadic Computing Applications for Patient Transport. The goal of this project is to transmit multimedia diagnostic information in real time from ambulances to receiving physicians using NGI technologies, thus enabling diagnostic and treatment opportunities during transport. Contact: David M. Gagliano BDM International, Inc. 1500 BDM Way McLean, VA 22102 Phone: 703-848-6134 Fax: 703-848-6741
Distributed Revolutionary Medical Education Environment. The objective of this project is to develop a plan to implement and evaluate a distributed, medical education environment on a network testbed that simulates the characteristics of the NGI. These applications will be delivered across the spectrum of medical instruction, from undergraduate to postgraduate to continuing education. Contact: Lael C. Gatewood, Ph.D. University of Minnesota Office of Research and Technology 1100 Washington Avenue So., Suite 201 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone: 612-625-4909 Fax: 612-625-7166
Radiation Oncology Treatment Planning/Care Delivery Application. The goal of this project is to develop, implement, and evaluate NGI capabilities for radiation oncology treatment planning and care delivery. The application will provide diagnostic support, treatment planning, and remote verification of proper operation of treatment equipment from the Comprehensive Cancer Center to a remote JHU treatment facility. The proposed project will have a strong evaluation component focused on quality of service, security, privacy, and data integrity. Contact: Joseph S. Lombardo Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel, MD 20723-6099 Phone: 240-228-6287 Fax: 240-228-6834
Applications Layer Security Solution for Stationary/Nomadic Environments. This project will evaluate extant security techniques within the context of an open security architecture. The solution is based on security shared among collaborating parties, nomadic computing, and the privacy of medical information. The architecture includes user authentication, remote access to medical databases, nomadic computing, and confidentiality of data. Contact: Brenda Garman Motorola Space and Technology Group 1190 Winterson Road Airport Square #14, Suite 350 Linthicum, MD 21090 Phone: 410-859-4761 Fax: 410-859-0787
Human Embryology Digital Library. The goal of this study is to develop a research and education network for medical image acquisition and analysis. A high performance optical network testbed will link government labs and universities with traditional medical research facilities. The focus of the project is on the analysis and delivery of digital histopathology image data. The proposal includes the definition of a set of demonstration projects that use a collaborative consultation system for research, surgical planning, and basic research. Contact: George S. Michaels, Ph.D. George Mason University Office of Sponsored Programs 4400 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 Phone: 703-993-1998 Fax: 703-993-1993
Integration of Security Mechanisms for Internet Applications. The goal of this project is to develop a plan to integrate the PCASSO (Patient Centered Access Secure Systems Online) with biomedical applications. It will be demonstrated through a testbed involving medical treatment facilities in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New Jersey and the Frederick (Md.) Biomedical Supercomputer Center in an information technology infrastructure. The NGI infrastructure for this region is being developed under the HUBS (Hospitals, Universities, Business Schools and Communities) Initiative. Contact: Raymond E. Cline, Jr. Security Applications International Corp. (SAIC) 1710 Goodridge Drive, M/S 2-3-1 McLean, VA 22102 Phone: 703-749-8648 Fax: 703-821-1134
Telemammography Using the NGI. The goal of this project is to plan and implement a testbed to demonstrate the feasibility of a national breast imaging archive and network infrastructure to support telemammography using NGI technologies. The proposed infrastructure would: support traditional breast screening; provide the opportunity to maintain and apply standard image processing and computer-aided diagnosis software; permit access to breast imaging experts for primary and secondary interpretations; and provide an opportunity to study and understand epidemiologic issues in breast cancer. Contact: Mitchell Schnall University of Pennsylvania Research Services 133 S. 36th Street, Suite 300 Philadelphia, PA 19104-3246 Phone: 215-662-7238 Fax: 215-662-3013
Teletrauma and the NGI. The goal of this project is to plan the implementation of an integrated system of trauma care for Southern Louisiana using an NGI telemedicine network. This network will provide instant access to the Trauma Team at the Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans which will provide online assistance. Distance education training for emergency personnel, network management, and quality of service issues are all elements of the project. Contact: Richard Ferrans, M.D. Louisiana State University Medical Center Department of Public Health 1600 Canal Street, Suite 800 New Orleans, LA 70112 Phone: 504-588-3507 Fax: 504-588-3938