SMART ERP pilot up and running! - Supply Maintenance Aviation Reengineering Team's Enterprise Resource Program
Daniel OlsonThe Supply Maintenance Aviation Reengineering Team (SMART) Enterprise Resource Program (ERP) Pilot Project, created to replace antiquated Navy legacy systems, "went live" on Jan. 3, 2003. The new leading-edge system is now managing integrated supply, maintenance, and financial functions at Regional Supply Office (RSO) Norfolk, Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Detachment (AIMD) Norfolk, Naval Inventory Control Point (NAVICP) in Philadelphia and in Mechanicsburg, and Naval Aviation Depot (NADEP) North Island.
In its first two months, the new system had processed 70,000 requisitions and 2,000 intermediate maintenance actions.
The ambitious pilot used commercial-off-the-shelf software to create a single integrated system in a suite of software that supports the planning, forecasting and order fulfillment at both NAVICP sites, maintenance and supply actions at Norfolk, and depot parts support for the E2-C Hawkeye aircraft and the LM-2500 gas turbine engine in San Diego involving 440 product end users. The SMART ERP effort is one of four Navy ERP pilots being conducted.
The thrust of SMART ERP is more about changes to business processes than about changes to hardware and software, though the replacement of legacy systems is certainly a key component of this effort. Areas of aviation supply, maintenance, finance and forecasting will be reengineered by incorporating best commercial practices.
Instrumental to the success of the pilot has been the commitment of the entire SMART ERP team. They continue to track key performance indicators (KPIs) daily, monitor and solve daily Help Desk calls, conduct daily status calls with the four SMART pilot sites, and resolve emerging issues as soon as possible.
Everyone has invested long hours to ensure the success of the project, at SMART ERP's headquarters in Camp Hill, Pa., and at the four sites. Instrumental in deploying and maintaining the pilot system, "Super Users" continue to provide first-line assistance for users at all sites, along with SMART Navy and contractor development team members.
Getting to this point in the pilot has required the highest level of coordination and teamwork between Naval Supply Systems Command, Naval Air Systems Command, Defense Finance Accounting Service, and people at Naval Air Station Norfolk, Naval Inventory Control Point, and the Fleet and Industrial Supply Centers in San Diego and Norfolk. Also instrumental in executing the pilot were private sector associates EDS, Deloitte, and Manugistics.
"The determined and tireless work from the joint NAVSUP/NAVAIR project team has made this success possible. I would like to extend a very sincere 'thank you' to those many team members. Please remember that while we rightfully celebrate a major milestone, that our largest challenges lie ahead with future Navy-wide rollout and the necessary sustainment for such a promising business solution," congratulated RADM Justin D. McCarthy, Commander of NAVSUP.
When SMART ERP is fully implemented, it will replace outdated legacy systems including Uniform Inventory Control Program (UICP), Uniform Automated Data Processing System (UADPS) Level II, (U2) and intermediate level maintenance NALCOMIS (Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System).
These systems are costly, difficult to maintain, and often require duplicative effort. SMART ERP offers proven business processes, a single data source, increased asset visibility, and improved capabilities. In addition, it encourages and enables integrated teamwork across the entire supply chain.
For more information about the SMART ERP pilot, visit
Dan Olson is a member of the SMART ERP Change Management and Communications Team. He creates and executes many of the necessary communications to keep the SMART Team members informed, as well as the many other interested people in the Navy. He is completing his Ph.D. in Public Administration at Penn State University and focusing on Change Management in practice.
Gina Napoli is a writer and marketing specialist for the SMART ERP Communications Team, currently on loan from the Business Infrastructure Trident Support Department of the Navy Supply Information Systems Activity. Throughout her career, she has published 46 pieces in 26 different print and electronic venues.
Daniel Olson and Gina Napoli, SMART ERP Project Office, Naval Office Supply Systems Command Headquarters
COPYRIGHT 2003 U.S. Department of the Navy, Supply Systems Command
COPYRIGHT 2003 Gale Group