Action plan: creating environment that motivates can awaken employee potential - Opinion - Brief Article
William P. FisherHuman relationships offer many challenges, One of the biggest is getting other people to do exactly what you want them to do. Achieving that objective can be particularly crucial in an employer-employee relationship.
Until somewhat recently, a major debate in management circles questioned whether one person could motivate others or if supervisors only influence the conditions through which employees become motivated. The debate has concluded in favor of the latter premise.
Approximately 10 motivating factors set the stage in which behavior of people is influenced. Insight and judgment are needed, however, to determine what combination appeals to which people at any given point in time. That is the management challenge.
(1) Idealism. Some people are motivated by ideals that build on their personal value system. The call to go above and beyond normal duties, to give extra or prolonged effort because it's the right thing to do, or the belief that one can reach higher personal and organizational fulfillment is a powerful motivating influence.
(2) Accomplishment. For a long time trainers have known that trainees should be given readily achievable tasks in the forepart of their training so that achievement can be self-recognized as a spur to continued development. Getting things done provides sustaining momentum.
(3) "Team-mating." Some people have a strong need for affiliation and to be part of a larger group that gives a sense of camaraderie. People seek and need acceptance and a group's structure and its inherent support systems bolster individuals' sense of belonging. Most people act because they don't want to let the team down or be subject to the team's sanctions.
(4) Independence. Other people are motivated by autonomy. They like being held individually accountable, setting their own pace, functioning in their own style and exercising their discretion. They perform best without close supervision or being engulfed by a bureaucratic maze.
(5) Fear. It is a controversial element, but if you define "motivated" as behavior undertaken regardless of willingness or cooperation, then fear has to be recognized as a powerful motivator. Fear can be intrapersonal, such as fear of embarrassment, or interpersonal, as in intimidation by others.
(6) Prestige. Recognition factors stir some people to action in that not only do they want to be connected with a first-class group but also their position within the group compels them to act in a certain way. For example, a reputation of never having missed a day of work is motivation to continue an unbroken attendance record.
(7) Rationality. Logic plays a part in the performance and motivation of people. Therefore, it is important to have everyone see the big picture, not just his or her own more limited sphere. If one is told, for example, that he is going to sell a product or a service at a financial loss, it becomes logical if it is understood that the draw of the loss leader results in greater overall profit.
(8) Safety. Along with security, safety is a powerful motivator for many people. Safety here means not just physical safety but emotional safety and comfort as well. The older one gets -- an employee who is approaching retirement, for example -- the larger conservatism will loom, and radical changes or upsets are not always welcome.
(9) Compensation. People like to be rewarded and money certainly plays a part, but it is not the "be all and end all" for many employees. Other forms of compensation, such as positive environment, benefits, awards and compliments, all play an important part. Money is just a number above a certain lifestyle level for many people, and it is certainly not always the first or only motivator to affect behavior.
(10) Curiosity. Motivation for some people is based on the intellectualization of solutions to problems and challenges that are presented. Thus, their behavior is governed by wrestling with and overcoming obstacles that are set before them. Systems developers, for example, often state that it is the challenge that attracts them to their job and drives their activities. Their motivation lies in the thrill of breaking new ground. Remember Fisher's law: Motivation is the prelude to action. It's also the sustainer of action.
William P. Fisher, Ph.D., is the Darden Eminent Scholar Chair in the Rosen School of Hospitality Management at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, Fla.
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