出版社:Faculdade de Administra??o, Contabilidade e Economia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
摘要:In this work, we use the econometric techniques of cointegration
and of Granger causality in order to test the relationship
between total budget expenditures and the Santa Catarina state
wage bill in the period 1950 to 2002. The co-integration test comes
out significant, showing a long run equilibrium relationship
between the two series. Granger’s causality test does not reject
the hypothesis of noncausality between the wage bill and total
budget expenditures. More to the point, the test shows that the
public wage bill causes, in a Granger’s sense, the total budget expenditure, as supposed in the literature. The increase in
total expenditures may also be related to the socio-economic
development of the state, with is consequent greater requirements
in public expenditures, as predicted by Wagner’s Law.
关键词:Public wage bill. Budget expenditures. Santa Catarina
State. Wagner’s Law.