标题:A fauna de dípteros (Streblidae e Nycteribiidae) ectoparasitos de morcegos (Chiroptera) do Estado do Paraná, Brasil: composição, distribuição e áreas prioritárias para novos estudos
出版社:Faculdade de Biociências, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
摘要:ABSTRACTFauna of bat flies (Streblidae and Nycteribiidae) from Paraná State, Brazil: composition anddistributionThe aims of the present study were: (1) to summarize the data available on the species of Streblidaeand Nycteribiidae occurring on Paraná State; (2) to analyze the parasite distribution in the three majorbiomes of the state; (3) to evaluate in which degree host and parasite distributions are associated and(4) to indicate which areas in the state have been poorly studied. By consulting the bibliographic dataavailable and scientific collections, the record of 32 species in 12 genera of Streblidae, and 9 species inone genus of Nycteribiidae in Paraná have been compiled. Based on the available data, the MixedOmbrophylous Forest (or Araucaria Forest) presents the highest species richness and the highest numberof exclusive species for both Streblidae and Nycteribiidae. However, these results probably are due tothe poor sampling on the remnant areas. Based on the analysis of ectoparasites distribution pattern, itwas found that the distribution of some species completely agree with that of the corresponding host(s)(P. longicrus, M. proxima, S. guajiro, S. wiedemanni e T. joblingi), while other agree only partially withthe host distribution (A. falcata, A. phyllostomatis, B. plaumanni e T. dugesioides), being limited byfactors such as weather or vegetation. With regard to priority areas for further studies, our surveyindicated that about 2/3 of Paraná State have no parasite record. We suggest, therefore, that collectingefforts should be focused on the northeastern and southern areas of the state
关键词:Streblidae and Nycteribiidae, ectoparasite flies, bats, distribution, Paraná State,