期刊名称:Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline
出版社:Informing Science Institute
摘要:Examining communities in all their meanings, the paper locates User-
Centred Design (UCD) in the amplified scope of approaches to Information
Systems Design (ISD). Culture in communities is explained in
structurational terms, in which human action and social structure (including
ICT) interact to produce and reproduce the social patterning
that both supports and constrains action. The widening of the spectrum
of ISD approaches has paralleled the supplementing or superseding
of Fordist methods of production by knowledge-based production.
The transition to an ICT world characterised by personal computing
and the Internet is identified as key threshold (referred to as the PC/I
or Personal Computing/Internet threshold) necessitating the development
of user-centric concepts alongside more established technocentric
approaches. Noting the diversity of understandings in UCD, the
paper proposes an approach to consider the wider relationship of tasks
and community cultures. The aim is to explore the feasibility of a participative
and reflexive design, resulting in design practices that are an
emergent property of community culture. The research is based on case
studies in the cultural institutions¡¯ sector, and one of the cases is outlined.
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关键词:user-centred design, structuration theory, community informatics,
knowledge creation, reflexive design, participatory design,
cultural institutions