出版社:American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
摘要:Cardiolipin is a prominent component of the mitochondrial innermembranes contributing to the regulation of multiple discretemitochondrial functions. Here, we extend shotgun lipidomicsto identify and quantitate cardiolipin molecular species directlyfrom lipid extracts of biological samples. Three shotgun lipidomicsapproaches for analyses of cardiolipin molecular species weredeveloped using either a continuous ion-transmission instrument(i.e., triple-quadrupole type) with either low or high massresolution settings or a high mass resolution hybrid pulsedinstrument [i.e., quadrupole time-of-flight (QqTOF) type]. Threechemical principles were used for the development of these approaches.These include the marked enrichment of linoleate in cardiolipinto maximize the signal-to-noise ratio, the specific neutralloss of ketenes from doubly charged cardiolipin molecular ionsto yield doubly charged triacyl monolysocardiolipins, and thedoubly charged character of two phosphates in each cardiolipinmolecular species. Through these techniques, we identified andquantified the specific molecular species profiles of cardiolipindirectly from lipid extracts of mouse heart, liver, and skeletalmuscle. The accuracy (5%) and the low end of the linear dynamicrange (10 fmol/µl) for quantitation make these approachesuseful for studying alterations in cardiolipin metabolism inmultiple disease states using either type of mass spectrometer.Supplementary key words electrospray ionization mass spectrometry • mitochondria • multidimensional mass spectrometry
Abbreviations: ESI, electrospray ionization; m:n, acyl chain containing m carbons and n double bonds; QqQ, triple-quadrupole; T14:0 CL, tetramyristoyl cardiolipin