摘要:With the advent of “society of information”, the companies were tried as of the Ninethies to reduce to information the many knowledge which was on the source of their richnesses. That led to the proliferation of knowledge bases, today not exploitable. Since, the organizations realized that knowledge was something living, complex and neguentropic evolution; that it was advisable not to consider solely the formulated and encodable part of an asset. The existing dichotomy between know-ing recognized and tacit knowledge, studied by Polanyi in 1969, is amplified in the new uses of the TICE. Nonaka (2006) speaks about explicit and tacit knowing, others of “social knowing” and “diffuse intellectuality”. On the implementation of exchange community, we will locate the limits of the prin-ciples advanced by Wenger in favour of the transmissions of tacit knowledge towards explicit knowl-edge. We will propose some application on electronic exchange community in a widened reading of them.