出版社:Ege University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
摘要:The aim of this study is to develop a new manifest needs questionnaire tomeasure four needs; achievement, affiliation, autonomy and dominance for aTurkish sample. Although two instruments exist (Manifest Needs Questionnaire–MNQ- and Needs Assessment Questionnaire –NAQ-), numerous studies havereported problematic internal consistency of the MNQ scores. Heckert andcolleagues created NAQ for this reason. This study is about the two step of theresearch series. The first study started with 60 items, 20 items from MNQ and40 items proposed by Heckert and colleagues. This item-pool was administeredto 650 undergraduates. Based on the factor analyses and item analyses,including item total correlation, 20 item GDÖ (Needs Assessment Scale) wascreated. In the second study, data collected from 120 undergraduates providedthe new scale test-retest reliability.
关键词:Ölçek Geliştirme ; Gereksinim Değerlendirme Ölçeği ; Başarı Gereksinimi ; Bağlanma Gereksinimi ; Özerklik Gereksinimi ; Baskınlık/Güç Gereksinimi ; Scale Development ; Manifest Needs Scale ; Need for Achievement ; Need for Affiliation ; Need for Autonomy ; Need for Dominance