标题:Identidade do Administrador Profissional e a Visão Pós-Industrial de Competência: uma Análise Baseada na Pesquisa Nacional sobre o Perfil do Administrador Coordenada pelo Conselho Federal de Administração
出版社:Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração
摘要:This article aims to analyze the adequacy of the characterization for the identity of a administrator, brought by the most recent national research about the administrator’s profile, formation, identity and professional perspectives, coordinated by the Conselho Federal de Administração - CFA (2004), which used the predominant traces of the post-industrial vision of ability, whose theoretical endorsement was supported, mainly, by the analyses of Zarifian (2001). For this, it was opted to establish links between the desired characteristics for the administrators and the predominant traces of the post-industrial vision of ability, using descriptions that emphasize evidences among them. The conclusions point that the characterization of the administrator’s identity, defined by the research coordinated for the CFA, match the post-industrial vision of ability.