摘要:Alberto Caeiro can be approximated to the figure of the wise fool on two distinct levels: firstly, on the level of the heteronymic game, concerning the role his persona plays within Fernando Pessoa’s (Lisbon, 1888 - 1935) literary architecture. By this I mean the poetry and prose of those other beings that lived inside Fernando Pessoa and wrote not just about themselves, but also about each other. Secondly, we have the level of Caeiro’s poems themselves. In this paper I shall work with both levels that make up Pessoa’s inner textuality, so to say, in order to see how one of his main characters (simultaneously an author and an actor) can play the role of the «wise fool». This paper is intended to be a preparatory approach, a framing of a primary set of problems this question brings about, not a conclusive essay on the subject of Caeiro’s wise folly. In its first part I will examine whether the universal and most common features that characterise the fool are present in Caeiro. Later on, I will investigate the ways in which the famous verses from the Apostle Paul concerning divine and worldly madness seem to be in close connection with some processes occurring in his poetry.