摘要:Since the issue of the first regulations concerning the remediation of contaminated sites,
the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, on the basis of specific requests, has drawn up various technical
opinions regarding the proposed reference values (quality standards) for soils and underground
waters, to be achieved when remediating contaminated sites, for substances for which no standard
limit values did not exist at that time. These reference values, widely used throughout the country
and accepted and adopted as “remediation aim” values by various territorial bodies responsible for
the approval and monitoring of remediation projects, have been collected in a specific reclamation
oriented data bank known as the “Banca Dati Bonifiche (BDB)” (Reclamation Data Bank). The
BDB contains the related standardized “rationale” for each reference value, in order to serve as a
useful reference for the national bodies concerned with the remediation of contaminated sites.