摘要:Analyses of the black press in the mid-twentieth century often
ignored the role of black newspapers as businesses and
concentrated instead on the press’s special mission to enlighten
and inform the African American community. The attitude that
black newspapers should not receive the same analysis as other
business enterprises has obscured the fact that black newspapers
struggled with the same economic issues, such as a shortage of
capital and maintaining a customer base, that affected all
businesses. In 1917, the editors of the St. Louis Argus promised its
readers that it would be moderate, fair, and fearless in its
journalistic efforts and “endeavor to publish the news; just enough
of everything; not too much of anything.” In this paper, I highlight
the growth of the St. Louis Argus newspaper and publishing
company during its formative years, 1915 to 1929, when the
newspaper and company were able to stay in business despite
vigorous competition and a changing political climate. One
important ingredient in its success was its leadership, which
included publisher and managing editor Joseph Everett Mitchell
and his brother William, as well as the staff they brought together.