摘要:Conservation psychology models include certain personal
characteristics, experiences, attitudes and beliefs as predictors of
conservation. We propose that a concept from evolutionary
psychology, called the K-Factor, may provide the theoretical
groundwork for a unifying theory of proenvironmental behavior,
incorporating and connecting many predictors from existing
conservation literature. The K-Factor is a multivariate composite of
behaviors that converge in a manner consistent with predictions
from Life-History Theory. This application of life-history theory taps
into human subconscious motivation for these convergent
behaviors. We believe this theoretical construct might help
conservation researchers understand why some people are more
receptive than others to conservation efforts. We tested the
relation between the K-Factor and water conservation behavior by
measuring both the K-Factor and personal water usage from 186
homes in a water-scarce Mexican city. Personal water usage was
positively correlated to the K-Factor. Implications for water policy
and suggestions for future studies are discussed.
关键词:Water Conservation, Life History Strategy,
Proenvironmental Behavior, Conspicuous Consumption.