出版社:Liberalni Institut, University of Economics, Prague
摘要:This issue of New Perspectives on Political Economy is devoted to the memory of
an influential, though almost forgotten, Czech economist, Franti.ek .uhel, whose
fundamental work 。ーZur Lehre von den Bedィケrfnissen。ア (On the Theory of Needs) appeared
exactly 100 years ago in 1907. This issue contains .uhel。ッs own summary of his
book which has never appeared in English, an article by Marek Hudィェk about Franti.ek
.uhel and the impact of his work on the development of economics, and 。ー.uhel
Memorial Lecture 2007,。ア delivered in Prague by Richard Ebeling in which he summarizes
the fundamental insights of the Austrian School whose formation is closely tied
with .uhel。ッs work.