出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:The study of resonances produced in proton-proton and heavy ion interactions is a powerful way
of investigating the collision dynamics, since the lifetimes of many of such resonances (ρ, K*,
Λ*, Φ,…) are comparable to that of the hot and dense matter created in ultrarelativistic
collisions. Understanding the resonance production mechanisms also in pp collisions is
essential, since they provide a base reference in a supposedly purely hadronic medium. The
ALICE experiment at LHC plans to carry out a study of such resonances both in pp and AA
events, making use of the optimal capability of the detector to reconstruct and identify their
charged decay daughters in a wide transverse momentum and rapidity range. The main
observables for such a study are the resonance yields, their masses and widths, their transverse
momentum spectra and particle ratios (resonances over stable particles and between different
resonances). For a proper evaluation of these observables, a careful simulation study is in
progress within the Collaboration, to be ready at the LHC startup. The main items of this
activity include the development of analysis codes under the AliRoot environment, the
evaluation of different reconstruction tools, the study of the combinatorial background, the
influence of correct particle identification, the acceptance and efficiency evaluation. Most of
such studies have been carried out by the use of distributed analysis within the GRID. The
present status of this activity is discussed, with particular emphasis on the software tools and
results expected in pp collisions at √s=900 GeV, when the first physics events from LHC beams
could be available.