出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:The hadron spectrum of one flavor QCD is studied by Monte Carlo simulations. The Symanzik
tree-level-improved Wilson action is used for the gauge field and the Wilson action for the
fermion. The theory is simulated by a polynomial hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm (PHMC).
The mass spectrum of hadronic bound states is investigated at two different lattice spacings:
a ' 0.37r0 and a ' 0.27r0, corresponding to ' 0.19fm and ' 0.13fm in ordinary QCD. The
lattice extension is fixed to L ' 4.4r0 (' 2.2fm). The lightest simulated quark mass corresponds
to a pion with mass » 270 MeV. Properties of the theory are analyzed by making use of the ideas
of partially quenched chiral perturbation theory (PQChPT). The symmetry of the single flavor
theory can be artificially enhanced by adding extra valence quarks, which can be interpreted as u
and d quarks. Operators in the valence pion sector can be built. Masses and decay constants are
analyzed by using PQChPT formulae at next-to-leading order.