出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We complete our analysis of Nf =2 QCD based on the lattice staggered fermion formulation. Using
a series of Monte Carlo simulations at fixed mLLyh
s one is able to test the universality class with
given critical exponent yh. This strategy has been used to test the O(4) universality class and it
has been presented at the previous Lattice conferences. No agreement was found with simulations
in the mass range amq = [0.01335,0.15] using lattices with Ls = 16 up to 32 and Lt = 4. With
the same strategy, we now investigate the possibility of a first order transition using a new set of
Monte Carlo data corresponding to yh = 3 in the same mass and volume range as the one used for
O(4). A substantial agreement is observed both in the specific heat scaling and in the scaling of
the chiral condensate, while the chiral susceptibilities still presents visible deviation from scaling
in the mass range explored.