出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:IRSN uses a BC501A detector system to determine reference fluence energy
distribution of neutron fields in the energy range between 1 and 20 MeV. The data
acquisition chain associated to this detector consists of NIM standard electronic units
which makes the system bulky and not easily movable. Recent developments in the
field of numerical electronics offer the opportunity to use digital acquisition system
which is compact, more convenient for measurements at workplaces and allows
numerical data treatment.
Within the framework of collaboration between IRSN and the technological university
of Cachan a new digital acquisition system was developed and tested with the BC501A.
An Acqiris digital card with a data recording capability of 8 bits range at 4 GHz on two
channels was chosen. Specific electronic and signal processing were developed to allow
gain stability with high voltage feedback, and to obtain energy information with
neutron/ discrimination. The performances (energy resolution, threshold values, dead
time and count rate) of the digital acquisition prototype were then compared with those
of standard analogical acquisition. In the present state, the comparison results were not
satisfying for metrology applications, but the use of new digital cards with 10 bits range
is awaited to be fully competitive