出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:The (original) flat space “hadronic” string discovered prior to QCD had both dramatic successes
and equally dramatic failures. This talk will show how Maldacena’s string/gauge duality conjecture
offers a way out of the major failures. New QCD-like duals exhibit confinement and deconfinement
at finite temperature, a qualitatively reasonable glueball and extended flux tube spectra
as well as a domain wall mechanism for chiral symmetry breaking at strong coupling. Recently
the hard components responsible for power behavior at wide angles and a unified treatment of soft
(Regge)/hard(BFKL) Pomeron in high energy diffractive scattering has been identified at strong
coupling. Lattice computations promise to provide more and more stringent “experimental” data
to guide and test constructions of the fundamental QCD string.