出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We calculate DI = 3/2 kaon decay matrix elements using domain wall fermions and the DBW2
gauge action at one coarse lattice spacing corresponding to a−1 = 1.3 GeV. We employ the Lellouch
and Lüscher formula and its extention for non-zero total momentum to extract the infinite
volume, center-of-mass frame decay amplitudes. The decay amplitudes obtained from the
methods correspond to those from the indirect method with full order chiral perturbation theory.
We confirm that the result is consistent with the previous result calculated with H-parity (antiperiodic)
boundary condition by investigating the relative momentum dependence. We evaluate
the decay amplitude ReA2 at the physical point by a chiral extrapolation with a polynomial function
of m2p and the relative momentum as well as the DI = 3/2 electroweak penguin contributions
to e ′/e . We found that the result of ReA2 reasonably agrees with the experiment.