出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We report the results of the rst two 5-GHz e-VLBI observations of the X-ray binary Cygnus
X-3 using the European VLBI Network. Two successful observing sessions were held, on 20
April 2006, when the system was in a quasi-quiescent state several weeks after a major are, and
on 18 May 2006, a few days after another are. At the rst epoch, we detected faint emission,
probably associated with a fading jet, spatially separated from the X-ray binary. In contrast, the
second epoch observation revealed a bright, curved, relativistic jet more than 40 milliarcseconds
in extent. In the rst, and probably also second epoch, the X-ray binary core was not detected,
which may indicate a temporary suppression of jet production as seen in some black hole X-ray
binaries in certain X-ray states. Polarisation measurements at the second epoch provide evidence
of interaction between the ejecta and the surrounding medium. These results clearly demonstrate
the importance of rapid analysis of long-baseline observations of transients, such as facilitated by