出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:Using high-speed communication networks, we wish to create a distributed, astronomical instrument
of a continental and inter-continental scale — a Very Long Baseline Interferometer (VLBI)
operating in real time, and connecting together some of the largest and most sensitive radio telescopes
on the planet. The overall objective of EXPReS, is to create a production-level ‘electronic’
VLBI (e-VLBI) service, in which the radio telescopes are reliably connected to the central supercomputer
at JIVE in the Netherlands, via a high-speed optical fibre communication network,
including the pan-European research network, GÉANT. The Specific Action (SA2) deals with the
provision of the needed equipment and infrastructure (fibre optics connection) to allow the VLBI
data from the participating telescopes to reach the correlator using GÉANT. We describe here the
status of these last-mile connections. For more detailed information see: