The evaluation of instruments used in Psychology practices, as well as, of the interests by people requesting occupational guidance have been considered relevant in order to plan quality intervention. This study aims to charactering and analyzing the prevalent interests shown by adolescents who requested spontaneously the services from a state university. The sample consisted of 136 clients (39 male and 97 female), aged between 16 and 20 years old, studying in private and state schools and attended during 1997 and 1998. The adolescents attended about 12 sessions. In one session the Achtnich Test of Photos of Occupations (BBT - Berufsbilder Test) was applied. This study systematizes the quantitative data gathered from the BBT, namely: productive, primary and secondary interests, positive and negative interests, most chosen photos and most rejected photos. The results for the male and female groups were compared outlining the similarities and divergences. The results were also analyzed and discussed in relation both to the Brazilian pattern and original Swiss pattern. Hypotheses are made to explain the results found.