摘要:Childrearing practices among the four tribes namely Jenu Kuruba, Betta Kuruba, Kadu
Kuruba and Soliga settlements in villages of Nanjungud taluk from South India were studied. Fifty
percent of the households were randomly selected; information about parental attitude, care of the
child, habit formation, health practices and disciplining was obtained from housewives using an
interview schedule. The total population of tribal was 728, men and women earned for their livelihood,
most of them were food gatherers, few had adopted farming and others worked as peasants. A small
percentage of men and women were able to read and write. Mothers took care of the child while fathers
were responsible for disciplining; both parents shared the responsibilities. Majority of parents
commenced toilet training at 1 ¨C 2 yeas of age. Most families believed in democratic and permissive
methods for training. All fathers spent time playing and talking with children, while mothers narrated
stories. Allopathic and herbal medication was commonly used. The tribal seems to have undergone a
radical change in their views and practices.
关键词:Tribal; child rearing practices; discipline; democratic and permissive methods