期刊名称:Thammasat International Journal of Science and Technology
出版社:Printing House of Thammasat University
摘要:An intermittently operated slow sand filter combined with activated carbon fibre (ACF) was
investigated for the development of a low cost household drinking water purification system for
remoter ural areaso f developingc ountries.T wo serieso f field-scalee xperimentsw ere carriedo ut to
evaluatet he efficiencyo f the watert reatments ystem.T he experimentaul nit was an acrylic rectangular
tank, 60 cm in length, 20 cm in width and 70 cm in height with five internal compartmentsT. hese
compartmentsw ere designedt o maximize the water flowline through the unit. Experimentalr esults
showed that a higher degree of water purification was achieved with a combination of ACF and slow
sand filtration than with slow sand filtration alone. Average removal efficiencies obtained from the
unit with ACF for suspendeds olids, turbidity, iron and fecal coliform were 75o/o7, 2oh, 89oh and
100 % respectively. ACF was found to play an important role in the removal of colour, chemical
oxygend emand( COD), and manganeseT. he averager emovale fficienciesw ere found to be 82oh,92o/o
and 95 o% respectively. In addition, ACF had little effect on the development of head loss in the
关键词:Activatedc arbonf ibre, adsorptions, low sandf iltration, drinking water