Health, as a social concert, really psychosocial cannot be disertailed from the intertexture and the social conditions in which it takes place and is developed. All this permits to carry out the study of human health, and this presents a theoretical model adequate for it, since that it refers to the socially elaborated, utilized and comparted knowledge, which orientates the answers of the persons above health. The social representation that the persons have about health is important, to their determinations in the behaviors of health. In that study, the social representation of health was comprobated and characterized by means of a sample of 105 persons distributed among three groups: 17 - 30; 31 - 60 and more than 60 years. The Free Association of Words, the Interview and the Completion of Phrases were employed. The analysis of the contents of the persons discursive materials and the comparative method in order to determine the differences among the studied groups were used for the analysis of the results. These results show that the social representation of health is centred in the welfare ideas as a more solid and stable contents of that representation and the ideas related to the institutions and the health workers in the periphery or representative field, with the medical practice, the life quality and so on; the information about health is obtained from the formal middle of communication (TV, Radio, and so on, from the doctors for families and makes emphasis in the responsibility of the persons with their health.