摘要:In this research the efect of usage of Cube Model in the teaching of Pascal triangle and some
identical equalities has been investigated. The research was carried out on two groups one of which was
experimental group and the other traditional learning group, both from 8 th grade of an elementary school in
Diyarbak.r. In the research in which the pre- test – post - test control group was used, Pascal triangle and some
identical equalities beging in the unit named “Lettered Expressions and Equations” in the eight class program
was taught in the science laboratory in the group study with open ended question for two hours. In the analyses
of the data obtained in the research, some statistical methods such as T-test, percentages, and frequency were
used. It was observed that experimental group learned significantly more than the control group.
关键词:Teaching Mathematic, Identity, Pascal’s Triangle, Cube Model