摘要:This paper discusses the process by which children in a low-income
neighbourhood in Manaus, Brazil, develop an understanding of
their dwelling place. Data were collected using a cognitive mapping
technique. Analysis of the data revealed that children!ˉs ideas of a
dwelling place vary in physical extension of the areas, from limited
narrow milieus to larger ones. Specifically, data showed a distinct
pattern of spatial organization, which begins with the house,
gradually continues into the garden/patio, the street, the cluster of
neighbouring houses, and finally the larger neighbourhood. These
physical features coincide with the type of relationships that occur
in that particular place, from the more intimate and domestic
realms to the more collective and public ones. Therefore, it is
difficult to determine how much the notion of dwelling place is
related to the child!ˉs relationships with others inhabiting those
places and how much it is about the place per se.
关键词:dwelling place, children!ˉs living space, place identity,
place cognitio