In the United States, 73% of deaths occur among people
aged 65 years or older. Although most would prefer to die at home after a short
illness, most actually die in institutions after prolonged declines. Despite
this discrepancy, elders and their adult children often do not discuss
end-of-life preferences. Use of advance directives has not been widespread, and
people often avoid the subject until a crisis. This project focused on informal
family communication about end-of-life preparation and preferences, about which
little is known.
In May 2006, we conducted in-depth exploratory interviews
with 15 older adults about their end-of-life preparation and preferences and
with 15 younger adults about their parents’ end-of-life preparation and
preferences. The interview included an item rating the depth of discussion.
Participants in both groups were primarily female and
white. Mean age of older adults was 78.6 years (range, 70–88 years). Mean age of
younger adults was 53.1 years (range, 42–63 years); mean age of their parents
was 82.6 years (range, 68–99 years). Nine older adults reported discussing
end-of-life preparation and preferences with their adult children; six had
barely discussed the topic at all. Ten younger adults reported having talked
with their parents about end-of-life preparation and preferences; five had not
discussed it. Barriers to discussions about end-of-life preparation and
preferences were fear of death, trust in others to make decisions, family
dynamics, and uncertainty about preferences. Facilitators for discussion were
acceptance of the reality of death, prior experience with death, religion or
spirituality, and a desire to help the family. Successful strategies included
casually approaching the topic and writing down end-of-life preparation and
Knowing the obstacles to and facilitators for discussion
can help health care and public health professionals target approaches to
encouraging elders and their families to discuss end-of-life preparation and
preferences before a crisis.