In 2003, only 18% of Massachusetts adults were aware
of all signs and symptoms of stroke, but 80% would call 9-1-1 if they thought
someone was having a stroke or heart attack. Because early recognition leads to
early treatment and improved clinical outcomes, increasing symptom recognition
could have an impact on stroke survival and stroke patients’ quality of
We conducted secondary research to identify messages with
evidence-based effectiveness for communicating stroke signs and symptoms. From
these results, a Stroke Heroes Act FAST animation was created and
concept-tested. Non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black women aged 40 to 64
years received education on stroke signs and symptoms. Knowledge change about
stroke signs and symptoms was calculated immediately following and 3 months
after the education session.
Using Stroke Heroes Act FAST educational materials that
were developed, 72 women (mean age, 54 years; 15.5% were non-Hispanic blacks)
received education about signs and symptoms of stroke and took the pretests and
posttests to assess knowledge change. Immediately after the education session,
significant increases were seen in the percentage of participants who recognized
that facial droop (92% vs 99%, P = .02) and arm weakness or numbness (86%
vs 97%, P = .004) were symptoms of stroke. Of the 65 participants who
were given the 3-month follow-up survey, 100% remembered slurred speech and
facial drooping as symptoms; 98.5% recalled arm weakness or numbness; and 97%
would call 9-1-1 if they thought someone was having a stroke. None of these is a
significant change from the posttest.
The Stroke Heroes Act FAST kit may be a useful tool for
improving knowledge of stroke signs and symptoms among adults.