期刊名称:Western Australia. Fisheries Department. Fisheries Research Reports
出版社:Government of Western Australia / Department of Fisheries
摘要:Prawn and to a lesser extent scallop trawling is known to incidentally capture significant
quantities of bycatch (Poiner et al. 1998, Ramm et al. 1990, Stobutzki et al. 2001a, Wassenberg
and Hill 1990). The effects of trawling on bycatch and the whole ecosystem they are collected
from has become of major concern in recent years, as commercial marine food stocks have
become increasingly depleted in many parts of the world. Community expectations are that
commercial fishing should only be carried out if it can be shown to be sustainable, not only for
the target species, but also for the bycatch species and the habitat they come from. In order to
demonstrate sustainability some measures of the impacts of trawling needs to be established
to ensure the ability to monitor and document changes within the systems that include trawl
fisheries. During this study the aim was to develop biodiversity measures in trawled and
untrawled sandy habitats.