摘要:Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) is a mesopelagic gadoid that is common and
widespread in the north-east Atlantic. The Barents Sea is the northeastern fringe of the
distribution of the blue whiting. There has been a marked increase in the abundance and
distribution of blue whiting in the Barents Sea over the ten last years or so. This can be
seen both from survey data and from the diet and estimated blue whiting consumption by
cod in the Barents Sea (Figures 1 and 2). Fluctuations in blue whiting abundance in the
Barents Sea is caused by variation both in recruitment in the Atlantic blue whiting stock
and in inflow of Atlantic water in the Barents Sea (Heino et al. 2006). In years with
strong inflow of warm Atlantic water, there is higher abundance and wider distribution of
blue whiting in the Barents Sea (Heino et al. 2006).