摘要:An environmental status for year 2004 of the North Sea and Skagerrak has been done
based on outputs from a biophysical model, NORWECOM. The results have been compared
to results from 2002 and 2003.
The results show that the annual depth integrated primary production in the whole North
Sea is lower in 2004 than in 2002 and 2003, but with large spatial differences. The oxygen
conditions in the southern North Sea is much better in 2004 than in both 2002 and 2003,
while oxygen in Skagerrak deep water are similar in all three years. Both the Atlantic inow
and the inow through the English Channel are close to the long-term mean. The inow
through the Orkney-Utsira section is higher than in 2002 but lower than in 2003. For the
net inow through the English Channel it is higher than 2003 but lower than 2002. Only
the winter nutrient assessment show any signicant indications of eutrophication in the Skagerrak
and Kattegat area. The model show high values in most of Kattegat and Skagerrak
and an area of very high level of eutrophication on the Danish west coast. The situation are
comparable to that in 2002, while the situation generally was worse in 2003. For the other
variables, chlorophylla and oxygen, the assessment only show moderate or high values in
very limited areas on the Danish east coast.