摘要:Aim: To educate pregnant women about posture and application of biomechanical principles in functional and work related
activities and to prevent low back pain with help of Exercise Program and Education Booklet.
Method: Fifteen gravidas with gestational period of twenty weeks to thirty-two weeks with back pain were taken for study. The
study period was three weeks and total two sessions of one hour each were given to the patients. Base line evaluation was
determined by the Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire and Visual Analog Scale. Each patient was
educated about the 1. Musculoskeletal changes in pregnancy. 2. Effect of Relaxin hormone on muscles and ligaments. 3. Posture
in pregnancy. 4. Incorporation of biochemical principles in ADL and work place. 5. Exercises to correct and improve posture.
Home Program was given to each patient with respect to exercises and precautions. Education was given through a compiled
booklet, which was in English and Hindi. During education, caregiver was also present. On 21st day each patient was again
Result: On statistical analyses result were found highly significant for both Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability
Questionnaire and Visual Analog Scale after the administration of the program. It was highly significant in components of
Personal Care, Walking, Sitting, Traveling, Intensity, Standing, Sleeping & Social Life of the Modified Oswestry Low Back Pain
Disability Questionnaire and Visual Analog Scale and not highly significant in components of Doing and Employment.
Conclusion: The Study concluded that the back care in the form of Exercise Program and Postural Education given to women as
early in their pregnancy as possible may prevent back pain or decrease the severity of back pain if it occur. Through the patient
education the caregivers also got an insight into the care of their spouses
关键词:Gravida, Biomechanical principles, Posture, Centre of gravity.