Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision based on mathematics and human
psychology algorithm which is developed by Dr. Saaty. It has many applications as documented in
Decision Support System literature. The importance of decisions in the housing sector is reflected in
the magnitude and nature of the housing problem in Worldwide, building material, contraction
technology and skill manpower within urban and rural area to meet existing housing needs. In present,
within the India 2.47 crores houses are shortage and will increase drastically in future. The overall objective
in selecting a housing scheme is the affordable to the different income group. Obviously, climatic balance
housing and energy efficient choosing the residents’ selection is always a goal for better housing
reasons, but many important goals exist simultaneously in the housing selection project and at times these
goals may conflict [2]. Geophysical, environmental, political, social, economic and regulatory factors interact
to define the housing possibilities. This paper looks at AHP as a tool used in the housing sector to help in
decision making.