摘要:U.S. exports of processed food
and beverages were up 4
percent in 2000, following 2
years of small declines. In 2000, U.S.
farmers, fishermen, meatpackers,
and food processors exported $30
billion worth of processed foods and
beverages, falling short of the record
level of $31.3 billion set in 1997.
U.S. processed food imports grew
8.4 percent in 1999 and 5.9 percent
in 2000. Processed food imports in
2000 were a record $36.8 billion,
exceeding U.S. exports and resulting
in the third year of progressively
larger food trade deficits. After posting
a $1.1 billion trade surplus in
1997, the United States registered
processed food trade deficits of $2.6
billion in 1998, $5.8 billion in 1999,
and $6.8 billion in 2000. The U.S.
trade deficit widens as American
consumers spend more of their food
dollars on French wines, Canadian
seafood, Danish hams, Jamaican coffees,
and other imported foods and