期刊名称:Beiträge aus der Nordwestdeutschen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt
出版社:Universitäts-Verlag Göttingen
摘要:In artificial forest regeneration the choice of suitable provenance is essential for the ecological
and economical success. Consequences of incorrect provenances arise only late and can be
hardly corrected then. Therefore, it is important that forest owners are sure of the provenance
of their plant material. The establishment of genetic markers in tree species have resulted in
recent possibilities to proof the provenance identity in addition to the control system due to
the Law of Forest Reproductive Material. Novel certification processes under private law
provide appropriate assumption to verify the way from the harvest to the final forest plant.
They are essentially based on reference samples and on the comparison of their genetic
composition. For this, different laboratory techniques are applied that are shortly discussed
here. The way from the first control case analysed by genetic methods up to the present
certification system for forest seeds and plants is displayed. We describe the possibility of the
application of genetic markers and stable isotops within the control system. These
certification systems are advantageous for producers as well as for consumers, because they
provide confidence and more assurance in the trade with forest reproductive material.
关键词:certification, forest reproductive material, FoVG, official control