摘要:Plant parasitic nematodes are parasitized and preyed by a variety of soil organisms which includes predatory
nematodes, fungi, bacteria, viruses, protozoans, turbellarians, tardigrades, mites and other microarthropods. One
such spore forming and an obligate parasite is Pasteuria penetrans. The major limitation in the use of Pasteuria
spp. is their inability to grow in the absence of host nematodes. In vivo systems although proven are unlikely to
be adopted for large scale application in most farming systems. Attempts were made to culture the organism in in
vitro. Among the symbiotic bacteria used for mass production co-culturing with Enterobacter proved to be
successful in culturing this obligate organism in a specially developed medium for mass multiplication.
关键词:Pasteuria penetrans, Meloidogyne incognita, in vitro, mass production.