Many aspects of a national anniversary are associated with general social functions, which interpret data, but in parallel highlight issues requiring ethnographic and phenomenological approaches (McQuarrie & David, 1992). The issue of the relationship between history, society and education is discussed as a problem of relationships between education and historically determined ideology. Given that ideologies allow for semiotic formulations, the convergence of Marxist and semiotic analyses affords a methodological basis which enables the study of the relationship between the socio-historical conditions and the ceremonial aspects of national celebrations (Lagopoulos, 1986). The present paper aims at emphasizing the character of school celebrations, as ensued from the study of official national celebration agendas, which are prescribed and sent in circulars (channel) by the Greek Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of the Interior (sender) to the Local Authorities (receiver) and finally to Greek primary schools (receiver). The investigation of the circulars aims at identifying aspects of national celebrations and associating them with national memory in the context of pupils’ national and education policy.