This article extends the discussion of social support for child disaster survivors by providing a case study overview of the primary organization in the United States responsible for caring for young children in the aftermath of natural and human- made disasters: Children’s Disaster Services (CDS), which is part of the Brethren Disaster Ministries of the Church of the Brethren General Board. We offer an overview of the history and purpose of the CDS program, describe the training and mobilization process for volunteers, and explain the services that are provided at CDS child care centers. Throughout, we focus on the things that CDS does to help children cope and begin the process of recovery following traumatic events, including designing and maintaining a suitable space for child care activities, participating in play-oriented activities that facilitate a sense of safety and trust, and listening to the stories of children as they process their emotional responses. By offering child-centered care, emotional support, and a sense of normalcy, the CDS program helps meet the immediate needs of children, assists family members who may be overwhelmed as they attempt to deal with the effects of disaster, and plays an important role in fostering resiliency among children.