摘要:The actual objective of modern medicine
concerning a better quality of life in patients in different stages of
disorders, is possible to be achieved through knowledge about multiple aspects of etiopathogeny and pathology.
Quality of life (QOL) is an important issue for
the large number of patients who
may need to adapt to severe and chronic disability due to joint stiffness. The
loss of mobility in the joints makes patient more dependent on others which
affects their quality of life. Any loss of ability to live independently
inthe community has a considerable detrimental effect on their
qualityoflife. It follows that reduction in the
incidence of fractureswill not only save lives but will prevent a
significant reductionin their quality oflife (1). Quality of life has emerged as a concept
that refers to many subjective experiences, including well-being and daily
functions. Quality of life measures are instruments that describe how patients
who experience chronic conditions perceive the impact of disease. Besides the
symptoms as pain, disturbances of sleep, limitation of mobility, there are
measured emotional distress and severe
restrictions in a multitude day - to - day (2).