摘要:The morphometrical and morphographical analysis of the Gilort drainage area represents the
starting point in emphasizing certain issues related to the genesis, the stages, and the dynamics of the relief
evolution within this basin. The hypsometrical step of 200-300 m, which corresponds to the piedmont hills
and to most of the sub-Carpathian interhill depression, holds the highest rate (26.35 percent) of the basin
surface of 1,358 sq km; then, it follows the 300-400 m step (19.85 percent) corresponding to the low sub-
Carpathian area (the northern side of the interhill depression). The Gilort presents the largest valley
couloir among all the tributaries of the Jiu River (about 191 sq km). The drainage density (0-6.27 km/sq
km), no matter the morphostructural unit where these values appear, can be justified by the morphogenetic
features of each subunit (levelled surface, glacial cirque, torrential valleys with slopes strongly affected by
gullying, depression areas, areas with friable rocks etc.). The relief intensity oscillates between 55 m and
665 m. There is a clear difference between the declivity registered in the mountainous sector of the basin
and the values registered within the sub-Carpathian and piedmont hills. The high and very high slopes,
respectively the surface of more than 280, represent 12.86 percent of the mountainous sector of the basin
(3.27 percent of the entire basin). The slopes exposure within the mountainous sector is induced by the
exposure of the southern slope of the Parang, where the basin of the Gilort develops. Due to the
morphostructural unhomogeneity of the Gilort basin and especially due to the leaps that appear in the
progressions of the river segments, of the lengths, and of the average lengths generated by the contact
between the relief units, the morphometric model displays different variations, which we considered
interesting to be followed also within certain secondary basins (the Calnic, the Blahni.a, the Galbenu, the
Vladimir). The longitudinal morphological profiles on the interfluves and the transverse-profiles realized
along the entire width of the basin emphasize the general aspect of the interfluves within the Gilort basin.
Their configuration was imposed by the paleogeographic evolution of the region together with the
evolution of the river system and the lithological, structural and tectonic particularities. According to the
succession of the relief units within the basin, there appear, from North to South, certain interfluves,
which display different features in direct correlation with the age and the morphogenetic conditions
characteristic to each region.
关键词:morphometry, morphography, morphometric model of the drainage, morphogenetic
conditions, the Gilort River