摘要:An association of numbers and space (SNARC effect) has been examined in an ever
growing literature. In the present quantitative meta-analysis, 46 studies with a
total of 106 experiments and 2,206 participants were examined. Deeper number
magnitude processing determined by task, stimulus and participants
characteristics was associated with a stronger SNARC effect. In magnitude
classification tasks the SNARC effect assumed consistently a categorical shape.
Furthermore, the SNARC effect was found to increase with age from childhood to
elderly age. No specific difference in the size of the SNARC effect was observed
due to the explicit use of imagery strategies that could not be explained by
increased reaction times. In general, these results corroborate the predictions
by the dual-route model of the SNARC effect regarding the activation of number
magnitude representation and suggest that automaticity may play a role in the
development of the association of numbers and space across the lifespan.
关键词:SNARC, mental number line, aging, imagery, meta-analysis