摘要:The research is about, how the İstanbul Youth and Sport Management’s employees react the new system of Total Qualıty Management. The fourty-one questıonare survey used on employees whose work in İstanbul Youth and Sport Management. Results show that, employees said an institution not a school. On survey, used eighty-nine male and twenty-one female of total one hundred and ten employees and four factors of Total Qualıty Management effects the employees. These four factors are: 1. Leadership, 2. Develop of employee’s work and join their work, 3. Relationship with the organizations who work together, 4. Customers come first in the organization. Differences in approaching to the total quality management among the employees in an institution has been analized according to their age group, working period in that institution, their status, title, position and educational level. To indicate the variation in approaching to the total quality management among the employees, data taken by the survey result has been recorded in SPPS 13 programme and diagonal ( crosswise) table, frekans (periodicity) and ki kare comparisons have been applied. Our survey ( research , questionnaire, analysis ) results show certain difference that approach to the total quality of management among the employees in an institution has varied according to their age, qualifications, working period in that institution, skills and their educational level.
关键词:Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ; İstanbul Gençlik Ve Spor İl Müdürlüğü ; Kalite Yönetim Sistemi ; ISO 9001-2000 ; Kalite Denetimi. ; Total Quality Management ; Istanbul Youth And Sport Nation Management ; Quality Management System ; ISO 9001-2000 ; Quality Contr