标题:Erfolgsfaktoren für wirtschaftlich erfolgreiche
Projekte im ländlichen Raum:
Eine Analyse der zwischen 1999 und 2005
eingereichten Agrar.Projekt.Preis-Projekte
期刊名称:Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie
摘要:The ‘Agrar.Project.Award’ is an Austrian
competition for innovative and economically successful
projects in rural areas. From its first implementation
in 1999 until 2005, 564 projects were submitted.
An experts jury assessed 375 of them as economically
successful according to their turnover. In her master
thesis, V. Koller (2007) compares these economically
successful projects with the control group of nonsuccessful
projects. Based on a literature review,
hypotheses were defined for 20 factors that could
characterise successful projects. In semi-structured
telephone interviews, a sample of 55 successful and
25 non-successful projects was analysed. The data
confirms the relevance of most factors for successful
project implementation. In contrast to literature, the
group of successful cooperation projects, however, is
characterised by significantly less ‘common decisionmaking’
or ‘clear division of labour‘ as the control
group of non-successful projects.1