Cerebral palsy is invariably associated with many deficits such as oromotor problems. A thorough assessment of oromotor function
should be done. It also includes the thorough evaluation of Neck stability in sitting positions at different angles of inclinations to
measure its implication on developmental status.
Aims & Objective - To compare the effect of Neck Stability on Oromotor function at varying angles of inclination in sitting position
in Cerebral Palsy
Method- Different subject design.
33 Subjects included & initial evaluation was done for Tone, Neck stability & Developmental status. The subjects were then divided
into 3 groups namely group A, B & C with poor, fair & good neck stability respectively. The subjects were assessed for Oromotor
functions in different sitting positions viz. Reclined, Neutral & Inclined.
Results- Neck stability influences oromotor function differently at varying angles of inclination. Subjects with poor neck stability
/ persistent tonic reflexes demonstrated better Oromotor performance in reclined / dependent position but subjects with good neck
stability showed better oromotor performance in neutral position.
Conclusion- Neck stability has greater influence on Oromotor functions, as the neck stability improves the significance of dependent
position on Oromotor performance decreases