出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:The recent experimental measurements of the solar neutrino mixing angle qsol and the Cabibbo
mixing angle qC reveal a surprising relation, qsol +qC ' p
4 . While this empirical relation has been
interpreted as a support of the idea of grand unification, it may be merely accidental in the sense
that reproducing the relation at a low energy in the framework of grand unification may depend
strongly on the renormalization effects whose size can vary with the choice of parameter space.
We note that the lepton mixing matrix derived from quark-lepton unification can lead to a shift
of the complementarity relation at low energy. While the renormalization group effects generally
lead to additive contribution on top of the shift, we show that the threshold corrections which
may exist in some intermediate scale new physics such as supersymmetric standard model can
diminish it, so we can achieve the complementarity relation at a low energy.