出版社:SISSA, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
摘要:We analyse B!pp decays, obtaining the relevant hadronic amplitudes from QCD light-cone sum
rules (LCSR). In this approach the B!pp hadronic matrix elements with annihilation topology
are finite and turn out to be small with respect to the factorizable amplitude. The pattern of
B!pp amplitudes obtained from LCSR, including emission, penguin and annihilation effects,
does not reveal significant deviations from naive factorization and agrees with the predictions
of QCD factorization if the latter approach is taken with moderate values of the annihilation
parameters. We find a substantial discrepancy between our predictions and the current data for
B!p+p− and B!p0p0 indicating a missing piece of DI = 1/2 transition amplitude.